“Get knowledge in selling” – Understand each step need to prepare for selling. Now I know how to make the questions with the customers if I would like to get information from them. This is very useful. I will apply I.M.P.A.C.T. before going to deal with guests.

Tong Thi Kim Thoa
Liberty Central Hotel – Guest Relations Officer
“Improve my skills and knowledge” – I have changed the way of managing daily tasks as well as my mindset to become more customer oriented rather than hard-selling. I can apply I.M.P.A.C.T process for up-selling opportunities in my hotel right away.

Nguyen Huynh Mai
Liberty Central Hotel – Secretary to Director of Sales
“Improve my Job skills to support my Boss” – I learnt I.M.P.A.C.T system, teamwork. I even understand more about my colleagues’ job responsibilities and my team so that we corporate more effective and successful. I can immediately apply the knowledge and skills into my daily job and my personal life.

Nguyen Thi Viet Ha
Liberty Central Hotel – Reservation Manager
The skill for my work and future career development – This is a good chance to regain knowledge and experiences I had in a more structure and method. I have learnt a steps selling process which is effective and can evaluate with time. I will use it to improve my negotiation skill in many areas: with customers, partners and even employee and for my personal life.

Nguyen Minh Phuong
Odyssea – Director of Revenue